Virtual reality gaming is the future! Who doesn’t want to completely immerse themselves in another world and play as their favorite hero? However, not all virtual reality games are equal. So we have decided to break down...
Every year, there is an increment in the popularity of the Counter Strike: Global Offensive video game, however, what makes the game more interesting is the unity of players' teams in heading towards one goal and to...
CS:GO was released years ago, but it’s still one of the most popular FPS today. The game has millions of active players, and it became a hugely popular e-sport all over the globe. The item system is...
The turn of the century can be considered one of the best times for gamers. We had Half-Life and System Shock II taking care of our single-player needs, and Quake III Arena and Unreal Tournament where we...
People will soon be able to earn money while playing the popular first person shooter free to play game from Valve known as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The chance to earn money when they play video games has...
The AK-47 or Kalashnikov assault rifle is the most popular weapon in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Even though this weapon is available only for the terrorist team in the shooter, it has already managed to acquire a cult...