While your car is one of your most valuable assets, nothing can replace you or other drivers on the road. This is why it’s essential to make sure you, those around you, and your car are safe and protected at all times. You never know when an accident can happen, which is why you need to take preventative steps to avoid any harm, damage, or injuries. Below, we’ll go over how to protect you and your car so that you can stay safe on the road.
Auto insurance
The best way to protect you and your car is with auto insurance. Vehicle insurance protects both physical damage and bodily injury in the event of a car accident. When it comes to auto insurance, it’s mandatory for all drivers to have liability insurance. Liability insurance covers bodily injury costs, such as medical costs, funeral expenses, and lost income and pain that was caused by you. It also covers property liability, which provides funds to the victims to repair or replace the belongings you damaged.
Other auto insurances aren’t required by law but can save you money if you get in an accident and have to pay for an expensive auto body repair. For example, let’s say you’re driving your performance car down the highway and collide with another vehicle. Collision insurance will pay to repair your car if the accident was your fault. Other types of auto insurances include roadside assistance, gap coverage, and uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.
If you do happen to get in an accident, it can be difficult to prove who was at fault. Installing a dash cam is one way to document an accident with solid evidence. When you start your car’s engine, your dashcam will turn on and begin recording. You can then send in the videotape as evidence if someone side-swiped you, performed a hit and run, or caused the accident. This way, the suspect will be at fault and be required to pay for repairs and any damage done.
Additionally, dash cams can be used to report drunk or reckless drivers and to catch burglars or vandalizers. A well-placed dash cam that’s connected to your smartphone or other computing devices can save video footage even if your car was stolen, which can be used to track and identify a burglar. You can then use the footage to make claims for exterior or interior repair costs.
Vehicle GPS Tracker
Vehicle GPS trackers are also a must to keep your car and property safe. Whether you live in a city or suburb, you never know if someone’s been staking out your car, waiting for the perfect opportunity to break in and drive off into the sunset. A vehicle GPS tracker can monitor your car’s whereabouts, so you know where it is at all times. A vehicle GPS tracker also works well if you’re a parent with teen drivers. If you’re worried about them speeding or driving off to a party you told them not to attend, you’ll be able to tell through the linked GPS app on your phone.
Steering wheel lock
A steering wheel lock is a simple way to protect your car. To install a steering wheel like, just pull the two ends apart, and place the hooks on each end of your steering wheel. Then, lock your device with the key it came with, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing no one can drive off with your set of wheels.
Stay attentive
The cheapest way to protect you and your car is by staying attentive. This can be difficult for some drivers, especially with cell phones constantly pinging and attention spans shortening. Some ways to stay attentive while driving include:
- Driving phone free, or placing your phone in the trunk or the backseat to avoid the urge to chat with friends. You can even download apps that prevent you from using your phone while driving.
- Limiting the number of passengers you allow in your car
- Not doing your hair or makeup in the mirror, and don’t fix a sandwich or other snacks, either
- Using rideshares if you don’t want to drive yourself
- Preparing your route before your leave
- Creating a playlist before you leave, so you don’t have to take your eyes off the road looking for your favorite song
The bottom line
The last thing you want is to end up in a bad car accident that puts you in mounds of debt, or even worse, causes a fatality. Protecting you and your car should be on the top of your list every time you buckle up. With these tips on how to protect you and your car, you’ll have confidence knowing you and those around you are safe.