Computer video games in education are growing in popularity and it is where colleges and universities use game scenarios for each student. This is done to improve student engagement throughout their course and when it is used properly, the results are amazing.
Students are more attentive which leads to them being more productive. There are a handful of researchers out there who say that gaming is bad for students. It can make them become lazy and use an online essay writing service, like Custom Writings, to do their assignments for them in the most professional way. While this is right to a certain degree, video games have become part of learning. There are arguments in favor of and against using computer video games in learning and this article will look at both sides.
Pros of computer video games in education
Student engagement goes up thanks to computer video games.
Incorporating video games when it comes to teaching students can make lessons more exciting and less boring. When students are not bored they will engage more with their tutor increasing their chances of passing their examples. This is a major plus whenever computer video games are used in education.
Students become more enthusiastic.
Tutors can make them more enthusiastic about learning if they add rewards. A student who does well in their coursework can be awarded points that can be traded in for prizes. This method of learning can help a college retain students and make learning easier especially for students who have disabilities. Video games in education go beyond just reading and writing.
Video games in education can help students grasp a topic much quicker.
This point is an expansion of the point above. Take maths, for example, this is a subject that many students struggle with because it involves knowing formulas and plenty of calculations. When a college or university adds video games to their learning curriculum, students will be very excited to deal with numbers.
Video games in education help students build a connection with each other.
There is no denying that video games in education help students get feedback instantly in the form of things like leaderboards. They can see where they stand and compare their scores for example with that of their peers. This can make a student want to take a quiz or a particular task again and again so that they can be better than their peers. Not only does this inspire them to be better but it promotes friendly competition and connects socially with each other.
When students are in their first year at college or university, finding friends and building a connection can be tricky. Video games help bridge the gap and that is why it is a positive way of learning. Students can be put into teams where they will compete with other teams. To succeed, they need to work together on any challenge presented to them which is a major plus for I corporating video games in education.
Cons of computer video games in education
Students pay less attention in class.
Video games are fun to play however if a student puts fun above learning, their attention span may decrease. This can lead to many students failing per semester because they are having way too much fun playing with video games and learning very little. Tutors need to make sure there is a balance between learning and fun otherwise, they will not have many students progressing in their studies.
Very costly.
Since there is a lot of tech and equipment that needs to be Installed for a college or university to teach their students this way, it comes at a price. Buying hundreds of video games and computer systems for students to use while on campus can drain the finances of a college or university. On top of that, good internet connection and security need to be paid for as well and that is expensive too. Money has to be invested in the best and latest programs or software to make everyone’s life easy when they are using video games. While it does make learning easy and fun, it can have negative effects on college or university (especially on the development of creative writing skills) that have limited funds. Tutors who are not tech-savvy will have to be trained on how to use video games to enhance their students’ learning experiences. This required money and failure to train the faculty on how to effectively use the tech can lead to frustration all around.
Video games can take a while to get used to.
Time is very important in education and tutors need to know how to translate things like results to students quickly. While some games make it easy to track progress, some don’t and it can be time-consuming for a tutor to ensure there is a good balance between what a student is studying and the games they have to play.