diegoattorney (CC0), Pixabay

If you ever face criminal charges, the first thing you should do is hire a defense attorney. Criminal cases are common, hence the availability of many defense attorneys. While it is a good thing to have options to choose from, the saturated market of defense attorneys makes it hard to choose the right one.

To get a good defense attorney in Tampa, you must dedicate your time and exercise patience in your search. Hiring the wrong lawyer will add to your misery, hence the need for someone who understands your case and with your best interest at heart.

Beware of defense lawyers who will tell you what you need to hear to secure your case. The right attorney for you should be honest and trustworthy. So, how do you choose the right attorney from the many available?

What Are the Factors to Consider When Choosing a Defense Attorney?

1. Responsiveness

In criminal cases, time is precious. Time lost could mean your case is lost hence the need for an attorney who takes up your case immediately. An honest lawyer will inform you if they are too busy to handle your case instead of dragging it behind.

To determine their responsiveness, consider how long they took to reply to your email, answer your phone call, arrange for a meeting, and how effectively they answer your questions.

2. Concentration and Specialization

Defense lawyers tend to handle different forms of criminal cases as they come. However, it is essential to work with one who is experienced with charges similar to your charges. For instance, if you have been arrested for drunk driving, has the lawyer dealt with DUI cases before? Do they specialize in it?

Experience is crucial when it comes to legal representation. There is always a first time for everything, but you don’t want the lawyer to use your case as practice. Your freedom is at stake here. The more experienced the attorney, the higher the chances of winning the case or getting favorable penalties.

3. Get Recommendations

It is crucial to hire a defense attorney who practices law in the state you are in. By asking your loved ones for recommendations, they will refer you to someone they have heard of or worked with before. If you are lucky to connect with the recommended attorney, your search will be easier.

However, do not feel obligated to choose an attorney because your brother referred them to you. If you do not connect with them for whatever reason, move on with your search until you get a lawyer who ticks all your boxes.

4. Track Record

You might have found a lawyer who has handled one thousand criminal cases, but how many have they won? Ask the lawyer for a proven track record of the cases they have won over the years. If they have not been winning cases, what makes you think that they will start with yours?

5. Prices and Payment Plan

People shy away from hiring private defense attorneys because of the high fees associated with them. However, this is not the case with many defense attorneys. Do not leave at assumption. Ask for their rates, and you will be surprised to find one you can afford.

Attorney fees depend on the charges you are facing. Do not be afraid to present what you can afford in terms of amount and payment plan.

With a Defense Attorney, You Are Not Alone

Facing a criminal case is not easy. It is worse if you are facing it alone. If you are searching for a defense attorney, follow the five guidelines discussed above and you will get the right attorney for you.