Did you know there are over 230 million surgeries performed every year? That means one person out of every 25 will need surgery in a year.
Are you one of those millions of people that have an upcoming surgery planned? If you are, you might be worried about the process of recovering from surgery.
This guide will explain everything you need to know about the recovery process. Keep reading to learn the steps you’ll need to take post-op.
Anesthesia Recovery May Take a Few Hours
If you’ve never had surgery before, you might not know what to expect during surgery. You’ll be under general anesthesia if you’re getting major surgery.
Every person has a different experience, but most people need a few hours to recover while the anesthesia wears off after the surgery. You’ll stay in the post-op recovery unit and be monitored in case any complications arise.
You’ll feel sleepy after waking up after the surgery. You might also experience nausea, vomiting, or chills from the anesthesia.
You’ll Need to Consider Pain Management
Is the surgery painful? While you won’t feel anything during the process, you’ll start to feel pain after the anesthesia begins to wear off.
If you continue to have pain long after surgery, you might consider getting spinal cord stimulation. Does it work? Speak to a specialist to find out if it can help you today.
Follow Doctor Instructions to Prevent Complications
First-time surgery can bring a lot of anxiety, but the best thing you can do is follow your doctor’s instructions to ensure a successful recovery. Wound care is vital if you want to prevent infection after the surgery.
Depending on the surgery you had, you might have to change the bandages on the wound every day or only when you visit your doctor. Your nurses will teach you how to care for your wound.
Start Exercising
Learn how to recover from surgery by starting a new exercise routine. Your doctor will let you know what kind of exercise is best after your surgery and when you can start to add more to your routine.
Light exercise might help you manage your pain a few days post-op. You should start with short walks after your surgery. This will help keep you mobile and strong.
Start by walking five minutes a day and add more time as you build your strength.
What You Should Know About Recovering From Surgery
Recovering from surgery doesn’t have to be a complicated process if you follow the tips in this guide. Make sure you follow your doctor’s recovery instructions and have a pain management plan in place before the surgery.
Check out some of the other health blogs on our site if you want to learn how to stay healthy after surgery.