Myriams-Fotos (CC0), Pixabay

Have you ever felt stuck? Maybe you’re feeling that way right now. There’s no doubt that this isn’t an enjoyable place to be, but you might take comfort knowing that it’s a common occurrence for so many others as well.

Whether it’s due to lack of variety in your days, too much rigidity with your routine, or feeling off in general, getting stuck in a rut can sneak up on you. And when it does, it’s easy to feel frustrated or even hopeless at times. The good news? You can get out. Here are three tips for doing it.

1. Remove Yourself From the Situation

When you’re deep in a rut, sometimes the best way to get out is to remove yourself from the situation entirely. While this might not always be possible, try your best to create at least some distance where you can.

Not only will changing your scenery give you a different perspective of things, but it will also allow you to take a much-needed breather from the ins and outs of your normal routine. This could be the perfect time to take off on that Hawaii cruise you’ve been dreaming of or on a weekend-long hiking trip for some fresh air and solitude.

Whatever you decide to do, don’t feel guilty about taking the time and space you need. Oftentimes this is one of the best ways to reset.

2. Make (and Keep) Plans With Friends

Surrounding yourself with positivity and those who are special to you is another wonderful way to get unstuck. However, it’s not just being proactive in making plans that are important. You need to follow through with them, too. Even though canceling those plans at the last minute might seem like the more attractive option, know that will likely only make things worse.

Focus on making plans that will bring joy and encourage personal connections. This could be as simple as taking a long walk together or meeting for coffee, or something more such as a day trip or organizing a potluck dinner to celebrate the season. No matter what you do, make sure there’s plenty of value in it.

Spending time with those you care about is a great way to improve your mood, adjust your outlook on life and provide you with inspiration or motivation you may have been lacking before. It’s all too easy to get caught up in daily routines and to-do lists that before you know it, you’ve become isolated, lonely or even depressed. Recognizing the signs will help you help yourself when you’re headed in that direction.

3. Evaluate Your Routines

When you’re working on getting out of a rut, one of the most important things you can do is to figure out how and why you got there.

After you’ve taken the time you need to breathe and reset, it’s time to pay close attention to your routine(s). What do you notice? Are you leaving any room for yourself to take a pause, collect yourself, focus on what’s important or be flexible when needed?

Chances are you’ll notice areas of your routine that aren’t leaving room for your needs, and that’s to be expected because Life is busy and has so many demands between work, family, and everything in between.

Oftentimes it’s easier and more effective to go into autopilot mode. Yes, this can help you to get through your days without skipping a beat, but that’s also when things (such as your sanity) tend to take a backseat. Making small changes here and there can and will add up to good things, so be honest and objective when you evaluate.

Knowing how to get out of a rut is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and those who are close to you. While everyone is different and will be impacted by day-to-day routines differently, the goal is the same. To take care of yourself, honor your need to breathe, decompress and re-set. Where will you start?