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Interior Repair Kits: What to buy and how to train


There are several interior repair kits we’ve found on the market. Their price range is pretty enormous, as is what they offer. Time and again, we’ve seen kits for under $1,000 that have everything you need to touch-up pretty much any car you’ll encounter.

If your money doesn’t buy you everything you need, you can always upgrade later. You can get a good kit, for under $1,000, which includes everything but the paint and heat guns. If the kit comes with a paint gun, we’d advise against buying it. Kits that try to be too all-encompassing also try to cut corners in the quality of the inventory as a means of increasing the overall profit margin.

The other important thing to remember when you’re shopping for an interior repair kit is that you want to buy from a company that is efficient when it comes to refills and phone support. Contact them before you buy it, see that the people selling it are human beings who take the time to provide quality email or phone correspondence.

This is important because you don’t want to be left helpless by running out of a kind of paint that only the company you bought from has, and that company isn’t answering the phone.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Take the time to read the training manual. Do it twice. The kit should come with a training DVD, and you should watch that twice, too. Once you’re confident in the theory, learn the muscle movements behind it by practicing on interiors until you feel comfortable.

A great idea is to go get some seats, door panels, and steering wheels from the junkyard, and touch them up. One thing to think about is that you’ll be able to touch up boat interiors with your kit. Touch-up business with boat owners can be very profitable. Find some marine interiors and practice on those, too.

Take it to your customers

Price your service competitively. Do the market research necessary to determine what a competitive price will be. Focus, especially at first, on simpler jobs, such as seat bolster repair. Black redye jobs are usually a cake-walk – it’s good to work on those at the beginning.

At the other end of the spectrum, you can expect to take a little bit of a loss, especially in the beginning, when you’ve got to touch-up something that’s beige, tan, sand, parchment, or a similar mid-range brown. These will take you a little while to match color but are excellent practice.

As you become more skilled in the art of interior reconditioning, you should make your way up to bigger, more complicated jobs, such as multi-colored or tye-die seats. Remember, as with any other detailing work, you should maintain an organized workspace and a sense of urgency while you’re working.

How to save time with DISH Network? Check out how!


The time crunch is one the biggest problem that people are facing these days; People are so busy that we hardly get any time for ourselves and for our dear ones too. This problem of shortage of time can pose great deals of other problems too. It can make your relationship get strained, give rise to stress.

This can be a good excuse for not doing a lot of things as well. If you ask your friends, why they do not call you up, they will talk about a time crunch, If you ask your wife, why dinner is not cooked properly, they will give you the excuse of shortage of time. If you sit back and think about the pending things that you need to do urgently, you will also invariably come up with an excuse of a time crunch.

We always dream of a perfect life where we can spend quality time with our friends and families. We dream of a life where we have lots of time to relax and do things that we love doing. Sometimes we also feel to catch up on our favorite shows or sporting events on television, but where do we get the time? So get rid of this stupid excuse of time crunch by bringing home a DISH Network connection and see how it changes your life for the better. Sounds too good to be true, right, but it is definitely a reality. Read on to know how it can be possible.

With a DISH Network subscription, you can catch hold of a wide array of entertaining programs. The various DISH Network channels have a wide variety of programs that are meant for all age groups. With DISH Network packages, you can also avail of the best of high definition entertainment. With more than two hundred channels to choose from, you will never have a dull moment while watching TV.

When you get spare time, switch on the television and watch a nice movie with your wife or comedy show with your kids.  Your family will get amazed by this sudden transformation of yours. If you feel like spending some time on your own, you can catch some live sporting events too.

If it has been ages that you have visited your nearest shopping mall and you are longing to buy one of your favorite products that you were eyeing for a long time, then make full use of the home shopping channels that are available with DISH Network. Shopping sting right at the comfort of your drawing room has never been so simple.

You can also avail of the DISH TV DVR which has the capacity of recording your favorite shows and programs so that you can watch them later at your own convenience. So go out for shopping and watch your favorite shows later when you come back.

So live life to the fullest. Subscribe to DISH Network and see how you can perfect balance of work and family with ease. So do not hesitate, just call your nearest DISH Network dealer and check the fabulous packages that are on the store just for you!

Chronicle – My Interpretation of the Metaphors


After hearing about this film through a friend, I thought it sounded similar to a number of other films that have been released in recent years. The films Push and Jumper came to mind.

Now that I have seen the film I believe that it is a metaphor of Intention and how intention is what shapes life. It is also about abuse and the consequences that abuse can have. Something it also demonstrates is that in order to have power, one must also exercise responsibility. And perhaps it shows what humane potential is; albeit in an exaggerated form.

These psychological aspects and metaphors of the film are my personal views and are based on my own interpretation of what these metaphors and psychological aspects are and their meaning. They are in no way the right or only interpretation, they are just my view

This will mean that I will miss out on certain parts and only describe what stood out for me and what I felt was significant. There will also be parts that I don’t understand and that will also be a reason as to why it has not been mentioned. This will also mean that it will not be like a storyboard and that I won’t be describing the whole story.

So with the disclaimer of sorts out of the way, let’s begin.

The Camera

The film begins with Andrew (Dane DeHaan) filming his daily experiences. This gives the film a low-budget impression, at least at first. Once he is back at home we soon get the first insight into his family life.

His mother has ill health and his father (Michael Kelly) also suffers from his own health, due to an incident at work. This must create an incredible amount of pressure on Andrew. His level of responsibility is also likely to be a lot higher than is appropriate for his age.

The First Sign

Soon after he has sat down to his desk; his father comes in.  He complains about the door being locked and that he should not do it again. It is not long until his father comes over and knocks him off his chair.

This is a clear example of physical abuse and probably something he has had to deal with for many years. And with his father being a lot stronger, there is very little he can do.

As his father is injured and unable to work he is incredibly frustrated and angry with his life. And instead of processing and dealing with this pain, he is taking it out on his son. His son is weaker than he is and therefore can’t fight back.

Andrew is also isolated and doesn’t have the support of his mother. She is probably oblivious to what is happening. This could be because she is too ill to notice it or that she is in denial and doesn’t want to notice it. There is a term called the enabler; this person is not violent per se, however because of their passivity they are just as dangerous. They watch what happens and know what happens, but they chose to do nothing. So they offer little support to the person being abused.

Finding The Cave

It is here that Steve (Michael B. Jordan ) Andrew (Dane DeHaan ) and Matt (Alex Russell ) come across the cave. Shortly after being inside, they see a bright light. It is a strangely shaped object that is pulsating with light.

After a short while the camera goes off and the screen goes blank.

This light could be a metaphor for one’s true nature or true self. It caused them to tap into real power and strength. What they knew about themselves and what was possible came to an end. The power is exaggerated to create a bigger impact and to catch people’s attention.

If the power was the ability to control one’s thoughts and emotions or the merging of one’s mind, body, and heart it probably wouldn’t be very spectacular to watch. It would also be difficult to express this on film; as it is a process that is more internal than external.

Playing Ball

Each of them can now move objects with the power of their mind.

This must be an incredible experience; to have such power. Out of the three main characters, Andrew is the one we know the most about. We know that his family life is not very supportive or functional and that he is being made to feel powerless by his father.

So after having experienced so little power, it must be a real shock to him. The trouble is that after being exposed to dysfunctional power for so long, his association of power is unlikely to be functional or balanced.

Into The Water

Whilst they are driving, Andrews’s mind gets out of control and he ends up moving a car from the road into the water. Fortunately, the man that was driving the vehicle is soon rescued and survives.

From all of the abuse that Andrew has been receiving from his father, it is not much of a surprise that he is angry. This anger shows that his boundaries are being crossed. Around his father, he has to repress his feelings and to do what his father says. And now the outside world is being directly influenced by these repressed emotions.

And Andrews’s lack of emotional intelligence and awareness can only cause him problems.

We see that the problem is not that Andrew has more power; it is that his intentions are not always constructive. His intentions are a consequence of the abuse he has experienced and the anger that this has created in him. He carries a lot of pain and trauma and this is creating destructive intentions.

In this example, we see that his emotional state is influencing his environment in a massive way.  Expressed in such an extreme way it seems hard to relate to, however, there are numerous examples of how our emotions are affecting our reality.

Flying In The Air

The next power that they have is the ability to fly. For Andrew, this might be like going from one extreme to the other. He now has more freedom and power that he could ever have imagined.

School Talent Show

They do not appear to be the popular students of the school and as a result, there are not high expectations for their performance.

With their newfound ability, they soon capture the attention of the audience.

Here we see how the other students are behaving differently towards them. And this is of course because they now have these incredible abilities and are now behaving differently. Now, in the real world, it is clear that people do not have such skills, (or do they?) however it is possible to change one’s behavior. And this will lead to others treating one differently.

Confrontation With His Father

His father begins to question how his son is getting to school. Andrew says he is getting picked up and his Father dismisses what he says. He seems to think that his son is no longer going to school. He also says that Andrew has no friends and that no one likes him.

The usual pattern of violence starts, but the reaction is different this time and the pattern plays out differently.

Andrew is now a lot stronger; both mentally and physically. The roles have changed and Andrew is now the perpetrator. For many years he has had to deny and repressed how he felt and now he has the ability to express it. It is not much of a surprise that Andrew explodes.

And through the rejection of his father and his constant abuse, he doesn’t feel accepted or connected to his father. This is also the perception Andrew has of the outside world. Because he has not been made to feel that he belongs in his house, he doesn’t feel that he belongs in the world either.

Death of Steve

Andrew and Steve fly up to the clouds once more and it happens to be when there is a storm and Steve is struck by lightning.

This could be seen as a warning. They have been given great power and that by having such power they are required to have equal responsibility.

The power affected each of them in different ways. Andrew has been overwhelmed and this has led to careless behavior. Matt (Alex Russell) on the other hand has been more reserved and discerning with his use of his new power.

I believe that this power is a metaphor for how one’s intention is what defines whether something is good or bad. The powers that they have gained are neither good nor bad; they are neutral.

What has influenced their behavior is not solely the power; it is the psychological disposition that these individuals had before they gained the power.

We don’t know much about Matt’s upbringing; all we have to go by is his behavior around Andrew and Steve. He could be described as the sensible one, his temperament is fairly balanced and he comes across as reasonably adjusted. And because of this Matt is able to use these powers with restraint.

Andrew, on the other hand, is completely different. He understandably comes across as awkward and unbalanced. Everything that Andrew has felt for so long is now being expressed. It is not that this power is turning Andrew into something else; it is just magnifying what is already there.

Andrew loses Control

Andrew goes on a mission of getting revenge on the people who took advantage of him and he also steals money at a gas station.

He is now using power in the way he has been brought up to associate power. This is to take advantage and to control another. He has no idea how to use his power in a functional way. He still has the perception of a child; with a child being powerless and if the child is powerless it can’t have any responsibility. This will naturally lead to carelessness.

For so long he has been victimized and taken advantage of by his father and other people. And now he no longer has to put up with this behavior.

The wounded inner child has now consumed him and taken over. Before he had to repress and deny this side. To the people that know him, he now seems to have completely changed. When in reality all that is happening is his true feelings are being revealed.

And as he has not been made to feel that he belongs in this world by his father; he sees people as opposition and as antagonists. This makes it easy for him to violate other people’s boundaries. But this is only possible because he has never been allowed to develop functional boundaries himself.

Andrew has completely identified with his inner child or past trauma and has lost the ability to be conscious and to be an observer.

But then it is highly unlikely he has ever opened up about his experiences with his father. This could be out of the fear of what others would say or about what his father would do to him. If he had received the support of another; someone that could validate and acknowledge what has happened to him and most importantly stop his father’s abusive behavior, he might have turned out differently

Hospital Bed

While Andrew is on the hospital bed his father is soon there to visit him. Although just as it seems he is sorry to see what has happened, we find out that it has nothing to do with his son. And that he is upset due to selfish reasons and is mad at what Andrew has put them through.

This shows the narcissistic nature of his father and that his father has not developed enough to be able to think about another. This triggers Andrews’s pain and he throws his father out of the window. Perhaps this is an exaggerated example of what the abused imagine doing to their abusers.

Matt Returns

Matt soon senses what Andrew has been doing and rushes back to stop him. This does little to stop what is happening.

Andrew causes endless destruction and Matt makes the decision to end his life.

This could be seen as a metaphor for good vs. evil; with Andrew being possessed by evil and matt being the savior.

The question is: was Andrew evil or was he just brought up in an environment that was dysfunctional? That is not to say that Andrew was not responsible for his actions.


After experiencing so much destruction, Matt decides to go to Tibet and fulfill Andrews’s dream of meeting the enlightened monks.

These monks have had to spend years developing their skills. These three individuals did not have that time. Their ability’s just happened and they didn’t have the time to understand and respect what they had.


Films often display things in a metaphorical or symbolic way. And these films then take on the identity of being classed as sci-fi.

These kinds of films also allow certain messages and outlooks to be filtered into the collective consciousness; triggering yet more intrigue and fascination around these topics. Are they completely fictional or is there an element of truth to them?

Either way, by people being aware of such possibilities it creates questions and the search for answers. The imagination is also fuelled by viewing sci-fi and this can only be good for one’s creativity. It is said that creativity is what allows one to be an individual; as it’s unique to that person.

This film also shows us that the power per se is not bad or dangerous. What makes the difference is the mind of the person using it and what their intention is. We also see the importance of being responsible when it comes to the handling of power. And in realizing that everything we do has a consequence.

If we see the world through the eyes of a child we will not believe we have any power and therefore we can’t have any responsibility. Our mind will then perceive life as something that just happens and will not notice that it is having an influence

Abuse is shown on a magnified scale. If for example, Andrew had not had such power he wouldn’t have been able to cause such destruction. The film might not have been as enjoyable either. He could have taken numerous routes; this could be self-harm, suicide, depression, social isolation, or criminality for example. Or he could go on to change his life and be an example to others. And through his actions and behavior, he could be a role model to others who find themselves in similar positions.

I wasn’t expecting anything from this film and I am amazed at how deep and meaningful this film is.

A Guide to Buying DJ equipment on the Web


When looking for Dj equipment the most suitable choice would be to commence your pursuit online because you will find a lot more deals compared to the high street and you may likewise be able to find the products you desire just. I came across when searching for my own equipment that on the internet you will find substantial varies of various brands. Pretty much just about any logo and something might be acquired I really may select whichever I needed rather than just exactly what a look would have in stock.

From my personal individual research, I ran across how the rates of the identical items really can change inside value, although dealers should know by using a certain amount of spare time it is possible to uncover what is the best valuation on funds. It is worthy of looking into a lot to uncover your Dj equipment; invest the time you will locate some good gives. Do not be tricked with the 1st price that you just appear you could possibly well locate a far better cost with the various web site. You don’t only need to study just what website you need to employ, you also have to analyze in regards to the type of product you desire.

This is how shopping online just isn’t as easy as you won’t possess a sales rep to explain exactly what all the various items are. Also ensure that the particular Dj equipment and DJ products site you ultimately choose is just not out of date, while I ended up being searching I came across that many internet sites looked fairly old. A fantastic, well-maintained site is a fantastic indicator that the service provider you might be acquiring via will be dependable and also offers high-quality products.

One other good approach to check that your website you are interested in is usually skilled and reliable is always to electronic mail the particular product owner yourself and discover should they react. In addition good commonly asked questions WebPages to a site normally mean that your website is suitable and are able to let you know concerning the sale problems along with how to handle it if you aren’t pleased with you to buy. Buyer rankings are generally worn excellent websites and will be capable of help in making a selection for the excellence of the Dj equipment.

Ultimately, talk to pals and other DJ’s in regards to the tools they’ll use. This is a great way to get you a non-biased view on what’s popular and exactly what DJ’s began within the start. If you are a beginner than the can be another easy way to discover excellent web sites or even connections pertaining to second-hand gear for those who have a reduced budget in the first place.

Improving Content for Effective Website Marketing


With the millions of websites offering similar products and services, having a strong and solid website, marketing strategy is necessary to keep your business running. If you want to establish a Web presence, get user traffic, and be among the top search engine results pages, you need to optimize your website and look into innovative solutions for your business. Since the search engine results pages rely on relevant content, your website needs those to generate leads, build a brand, and get paying customers. Here are some tips to help you improve your website’s content.

Organize Content Function

For more efficient management, you need an experienced editor who can develop a process to organize and supervise your different content marketing functions. Doing so helps create reliable information your target market looks for in a website. Plan your website content development process by mapping major content categories and outlining educational and informational topics that highlight relevant product and service launches, company objectives, and special online marketing promotions.

Implement Content Creation

Creating fresh, relevant, and unique content can be a challenge in terms of website marketing. You need a creative product, operations, and research and development staff with background on content generation to come up with non-duplicate content that will appear on the top of search engine results pages. You can encourage your staff by providing positive reinforcement through corporate recognition, credit, and incentives. Consider, too, the suppliers, distributors, and customers as possible resources for additional content.

Incorporate Varieties of Content Formats

Credible web marketing companies highly recommend innovative, engaging, and interactive content formats for an optimum internet marketing strategy. Aside from the usual text-based content, you can incorporate photos, videos, audio presentations, and infographics to attract more online visitors. Since the majority of people are visual learners, your website has a better chance of establishing an online presence through such types of content formats.

Provide Content Support

For brand and content consistency and reliability, web marketing experts suggest having a team of copy editors to ensure that technical criteria like grammar, word usage, and data are correct. Your website also needs technical assistance from the experienced web and graphic designers to build a solid architecture and formatting for your business site. A user-friendly site with organized and integrated elements can help establish a brand and presence that distinctly promote your company.

Generate Fresh and Unique Content through Blogs

To get your page on top search engine results pages, update your website’s blog pages and incorporate the latest news in your specific industry. As most website marketing professionals say, you need to orient your business towards innovative solutions to enhance your internet marketing strategy and ensure success in the long run.

Benefits of Using the Internet for Marketing & Advertising


With the growing popularity of the Internet, a lot of businesses have taken the opportunity to promote their products and services online. Big and small companies rely on several marketing techniques like search engine optimization, social networking marketing, and website development to build their image. As such, these online marketing techniques present a myriad of benefits for both big and small companies.

Wider target market

Companies that use the Internet for marketing are opening their doors to a wider client base. Websites can be viewed by anyone who has an Internet connection, as long as the connection is freely accessible. There would be a significant increase in the company’s client base since a lot of people use the Internet every day. Companies would then have the opportunity to reach out to their clients, not only locally but also internationally

Networking opportunities

The Internet can be used to connect with other people throughout the globe. Using different websites like social networking sites and blog sites, companies can easily receive feedback from their clients. What’s even better is that companies gain a visible presence online which makes it possible for collaboration with other organizations and businesses. The opportunity to create a partnership with other companies makes it easier for a business to expand

Lesser costs on promotional materials

By utilizing web marketing strategies, companies do not need to spend so much on advertising. Internet marketing is cheaper compared to television, radio advertising, and print advertising. Companies do not have to waste a significant amount of money shooting videos and recording advertisements for television and radio. Moreover, they can easily promote their products and services without using fliers, bulk mail, and other printable materials which only add to their expenditure. A company only needs a solid website that their clients can visit; some even make social networking accounts and blog sites to be more visible to their target market

24/7 promotion of products and services

The good thing about web marketing is the 24/7 advertising. Unlike radio, print, and television advertisements, Internet marketing lasts longer since the websites can be revisited by the clients over and over again. What’s even better is that it doesn’t require screen time for advertisements compared to radio and television advertisements. Clients can access the company’s website anytime.

Easier access

Internet marketing encourages customer retention since clients can access the website with just a click. Clients can be easily redirected to the company’s main website once they click on the provided link. Website marketing also allows clients to learn various details about the products or services offered by a company as they are listed on the website.

Dealing with Faulty Pipes and Heaters


Most homes in the United States have water heaters. Water heaters facilitate activities such as bathing, doing the laundry, and washing the dishes with warm water. Since most water heaters are used for various purposes, it is not a surprise that some parts get worn out. Worn out parts can spell trouble and cause leaks in your pipes. Although professional help is highly recommended during plumbing dilemmas, you can still apply temporary repairs to prevent the problem from escalating. Listed below are some tips you should consider while waiting for your plumber to arrive on the scene.

Inspect the area:

Identifying the source of the problem is the first step should you should take. Most of the time, leaks come from the broken and rusted parts of the water tank. You should thoroughly check the water tank to ensure that each component is functioning properly. Once you spot the defective parts, you can concentrate on the repairs.

Deal with the leaks:

It is often better to deal with leaks as soon as they appear. Leaks often occur when the water tank is old—they come from either the bottom or the edges of the tank. If this happens, the rusted and broken parts, such as the valves, pipes, and the tank itself, may need to be repaired or replaced.  In some instances, leaks occur when there is excessive heat in the valves. This can be easily repaired by operating the lever and lowering the temperature. In electric water heaters, leaks often occur if there is a problem with the heating gasket. To fix this problem, locate the gasket and tighten it to prevent water from escaping. Otherwise, you might need to replace the gasket altogether.

Clean the tank:

Dirty water heaters can also pose several problems. If the tank makes certain noises when you turn on the faucet, then it’s most likely dirty. Sediments can accumulate at the bottom of the tank and contaminate the water. If left neglected, they can contribute to the corrosion of the metal tanks. To prevent this from happening to the water heaters, Indianapolis residents have, regular water draining and tank cleaning is recommended.

Fix heating problems:

Some water heaters can experience problems in the long run. These can be solved by replacing the primary heating elements of the tanks. In gas water heaters, the problem can be solved by relighting the pilot light and adjusting the gas valve. Of course, it’s always wiser to contact a professional plumber for advice.

Call a professional plumber:

Apart from giving advice, Indianapolis plumbers can take care of extensive damage to your water heater. They can get the job done quickly and safely.

Be Realistic: Plumbing Myths Homeowners Should Know


Almost all homeowners aim to keep their homes well-maintained. Although some are very diligent when it comes to home improvement and maintenance, it is inevitable to experience a few problems in the home. One of the common dilemmas that homeowners deal with is problems with the plumbing, such as clogged toilets and kitchen sinks. However, not all solutions are very effective, and some can even make the problem worse. The following paragraphs discuss plumbing myths that should be avoided so that homeowners won’t have to deal with bigger plumbing concerns.

Myth 1: Lemons will help the garbage disposal smell fresh

Although putting lemons on your disposal can eliminate foul odors, it makes the metal corrode faster. Lemons are high in citric acid, which contributes to rusting and corrosion. Instead of putting lemons in disposals, homeowners can polish the inside of the disposal using ice. The process can be noisy, but it will remove the foul odor coming from the drains.

Myth 2: In-tank cleaners will help clean the toilet

A lot of homeowners buy in-tank cleaners because they think this will lessen their need to scrub the toilet. What they don’t know is that in-tank cleaners only bleach the toilet but do not necessarily remove the build-up. Sooner or later, the build-up will start to affect the toilet and cause plumbing problems. Homeowners should avoid relying on in-tank cleaners and should start using other alternatives. Vinegar and baking soda, for instance, are two helpful ingredients for removing stains, odors, and build-up that can damage the toilet.

plumber, handyman, repair
fran1 (CC0), Pixabay

Myth 3: Plungers are not helpful

Homeowners often disregard the importance of using a plunger. The plumber Indianapolis residents consider trustworthy recommends the use of plungers, as these are quite handy when the toilet is clogged. Having a plunger will save homeowners from hundreds of dollars of plumbing damage. A simple plunger can break up the blockage and eventually allow easy flow of water in clogged toilets. Plungers come in different varieties, depending on the fixture to be repaired.

Myth 4: Free flow of water means everything is alright

The water may flow freely down the sink, but that doesn’t mean there are no obstructions. What you can’t see eventually leads to bigger problems. Food debris and other solid materials that go down the drain can stay there for some time. Homeowners should regularly check their drains or hire plumbers in Indianapolis.

Myth 5: Professional help should be a second option

Homeowners with no experience in plumbing tend to make the problem worse. As such, it is always helpful to ask qualified plumbers Indianapolis companies have for assistance. Doing so will help homeowners save money from high maintenance costs and more serious plumbing problems.

How to Create Valentine Decorations & Gifts for a Rose Theme


Roses are Valentine’s Day symbol, and they make for the perfect Valentine decorations for your home. This year, use this tried-and-true symbol of love and decorate your space with a rose theme. Here are a few ideas for decorations and Valentine’s Day gifts in keeping with this theme.

Rose lights are stunning Valentine decorations that will help create a soft light, transforming the look of a space and infusing it with a sweet, whimsical glow. All you need to make these rose lights are organza roses and fairy lights. Use a sharp craft knife to make a neat slit at the back of the organza flower and thread a light bulb through the hole. Do this for a string of lights, alternating red and pink roses to create rose string lights. You can also use these string lights as outdoor décor to infuse your porch or patio with Valentine’s day spirit.

heart, card, pastels
kaboompics (CC0), Pixabay

Make a lovely centerpiece and place setting for Valentine’s decorations for your holiday table. For the centerpiece, take two vases, one that’s clear and big enough to hold the smaller vase. Fill the smaller one with water and arrange light and dark pink roses in it, and place inside the larger vase. Fill up the space between the vases with red candy hearts. For the place settings, choose cherry red plates placed on lace paper doilies. Fold the napkins in the shape of an envelope and seal with a paper rosette.

To make rose-themed Valentine ‘s Day gifts, put together a gift bag with mouthwatering edible goodies. Take caramel apples and cover them in red heart-shaped sprinkles. Dress them in a polka-dotted pink bow across the dowel and embellish with satin rose in the center. Decorate a white boat platter to hold three caramel apples.

If you’d like to pamper someone this Valentine ‘s Day, consider rose-themed spa gift baskets as Valentine ‘s Day gifts. Put rose bath salts, rose body lotion, rose shower gel, rose-printed towel, floral stationery, a rose-scented decorative candle, and rose liqueur chocolates into the basket. Top the basket with handmade paper roses and a red raffia bow.

Use these ‘rosy’ tips to create Valentine ‘s Day decorations and gifts that your loved ones will cherish.

Cutting Mat – Some Tips To Fix A Distorted Craft Cutting Mat


One of the most common problems that people in the arts and crafts hobby need to deal with in the case of their cutting mat, is when it gets deformed. For the most part, a deformed mat is of no use simply because it will be unable to rest flat on the desk. Often times, crafters who have a deformed self-healing cutting mat would just give up, throw it away and shop for a new one.

To help you conserve some time and cash; however, here are some ideas you can try which might typically help restore your deformed mats.

Take Proper Care Of The Mat

Yes, this isn’t is a means by which to correct the mat but it’s essential that you do not forget that prevention is better than cure. Most self-healing cutting mats really should be taken care of and kept a certain way. If you don’t want to deal with this challenge then avoid putting very hot stuff on top of the mat.

Heat is among the most common causes warping happens. There are some crafters that mistakenly iron-on or even place some very hot coffee at the top of their mats. It’s also vital that you keep your mat leveled whenever storing it. Rolling up a self-healing cutting mat is a real recipe for disaster.

Iron your mat

I understand this could sound peculiar due to what I mentioned in the last point but hear me out first. A great way that will help restore a deformed mat is to try using heat for you to flatten it. To do this procedure you need to cover the large cutting mat with two thick towels and set your iron to the minimum setting.

After that’s carried out, go over the mat making use of the iron placing added pressure on the parts that are distorted.

Place weight over the mat

In case you don’t wish to place any type of heat in the mat then you can also try applying weight into the deformed areas to get it straightened out. You could use books, stones or even a thick pane of glass in this procedure. Simply leave the mat with all the weights on it for several hours, preferably overnight, and check out whether or not this has made any kind of improvement.

Let it rest outdoors

On an extremely warm day, you could also try and place the deformed self-healing mat outside of your home to receive direct sunlight (except on scorching hot days). For the process to get results, you should place weights over the mat like textbooks, stones, etc to hold it flat.

There you have it!

I hope that you find the ideas I mentioned in the article valuable.

Remember that it’s easier to correctly take care of your self-healing mat as opposed to having it mended.

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