
The Best Funny Names For Games

If you have a funny name for your gamer profile, it catches on quickly and helps you in getting popular. I will try to provide you with the list of some funny names which you can use...

Meme: Jeff Goldblum Is Watching You Poop

How well do you know your meme? Memes and social media are a great way of connecting with people. Social media is an excellent platform for connecting and communicating with people irrespective of where they are in the...

The Truth about the Tourettes Guy

For those of you who love to watch funny homemade and character comedy videos, Tourettes Guy is not an alien name. Popular for their humorous depiction of a life with Tourettes, the Tourettes Guy’s video series broke...

How to Remove A Security Tag?

If you are a regular gamer who loves buying hard copies of games, you would know about Electronic Article Surveillance tags (EAS) that these games often come with. These security tags are attached at either the back...

🤷🏼‍♀️ 🤷🏼‍♂️ Katsup — Is it Ketchup or Catsup? 🤔

Are you looking for the real meaning of Katsup? Yeah, me too. Well, according to Merriam-Webster there's no such word spelled as 'Katsup,' but 'Catsup,' which is what we 'Ketchup.' According to Urban Dictionary, katsup is the old school...

30+ Good & Funny Avatars

Light up your profile pic with these funny avatars. Make some people laugh and smile through small things like these funny avatars. ...
